By signing up as a member you automatically become enrolled in our monthly 'Pay It Forward' drawing! Each month UberEZ chooses a random registered member to receive this gift! The cash amount represents 20% of the total commission made by UberEZ that month. The minimum monthly payout amount is USD 20.00, while the maximum monthly payout amount is USD 2,000.00.
The 'Pay It Forward' award is distributed as follows:
10% will go directly to the winner in the form of cash.
10% will go to a registered non-profilt agency of the winners choice.
UberEZ has to have made a minimum of USD 100.00 in qualifying commissions during the given month.
The randomly chosen member has to have made a qualifying purchase during the month of the drawing. A qualifying purchase is identified by a transaction in which UberEZ was paid a commission on the sale from one of it's partners. Our partners use different methods to track qualifying purchases. The easiest way to think about it is if you're a member and arrive on one of our partner sites through a link from UberEZ.com and make a purchase, you should be good!
Affiliate Disclosure
UberEZ participants in a number of affiliate advertising programs. These programs are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to their specific product offerings. Affiliate links do not impact your cost as a consumer in anyway. Your cost to purchase products or services is the same regardless of our affiliate links.
As an Associate UberEZ earns from qualifying purchases.
All non-affiliate created content, unless otherwise indicated, is property of UberEZ.
Photographs on this site are either being used with the permission from the corresponding affiliate, taken by us, or are being used under the Creative Commons license. Any use of copyrighted photos is unintentional. If you believe a mistake has occurred and you own the copyright to any of the photos used on this site, please let us know and we will happily remove the questionable photograph immediately.