The staring cast of a movie we made in the seventh grade! Monument was a small town back then (1974). Similar in size to what Palmer Lake still is today (2025). I'm pretty sure we were making the movie for a school project.
If I recall correctly, the movie was about a family and friends growing up in the wild west. It was filmed entirely in Monument (production had a tight budget). Most of the places it was filmed are now obviously filled with houses and roads, but back then it was the great open wild west with monument creek running through it!
I'm not sure if the actual movie still exists today, but at least this picture does!
Cast of characters
Front row left to right: Grant, Tim, Bobby Craig
Back row left to right: Debbie, not Lassie, Todd
Person who took the picture, and was in the movie: Jeff
Not Lassie: Can't remember his name but belonged to Jeff